Short Films

16mm analogue films, paper stop-motion, 2D and 3D animation.

‘wabi-sabi’. 16mm short film. 2019.

in a world where we have become obsessed with the complexities of man-made buildings and the sophistication of appearances, let’s take a step back and admire all the little beauties of life.

wabi-sabi is an ancient Japanese concept about finding beauty in the unconventionally beautiful, & perfection in imperfection.

‘Fishin’ Season!’ 3D animated short film. 2020.

Racing heartbeats. Exciting jazz. An unforgettable duel.

Way below the surface, two gentle-men fish —gentle-fish— partake in an exhilarating game of connect four. Which bowtie will win? Guaranteed to have you hooked.

‘Fig Delights’. 2D animated short film. 2020.

It’s a hot summer afternoon in Ancient Greece. The sun is rippling through the leaves and onto the grass. What does one want most in this sweltering heat?

A ripe, sweet, and juicy fig. A delight.

‘Once Upon a Time’. Paper Stop-motion short film. 2019.

Ratthew dreams of becoming an astronaut one day.

Ratthew literally dreams about being an astronaut.


The Stages of Belonging


Life Drawing & Studies